Io in foto - A picture of mine

Io in foto - A picture of mine

Informazioni personali

Dottore in Scienze dell'educazione e della formazione.
Giornalista pubblicista, iscritto all'Ordine dei giornalisti di Sicilia e all' European Journalists Association.

Graduated in Education and forming Science.
Freelance journalist, Sicily’s order of journalists and European Journalists Association member.



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martedì 3 ottobre 2017


Reading my reportage
Estimated authorities, dear colleagues, ladies and gentlemen, good morning. The theme of this convention is: "New trends of the tourism industry." In this regard, I would like to draw your kind attention by exposing the current moments of tourism in Russia and indicating the main lines through which it can develop further. Just two years ago, in 2014, the Russian Federation issued a document called "The strategy for the development of tourism 2014-2020". This document analyzes the situation in the tourism industry and the trends that exist in this field. The strategy for the development of Russian tourism conceives tourism in two directions: domestic tourism and inbound tourism. Russia gives great importance to the internal tourism and that is because it intends to develop its own territory, including, for example, the Crimean region that, from 2014, is part of the Russian Federation, or the city of Sochi, where the Winter Olympic Games of 2014 took place, from whose structures the current Formula 1 Grand Prix arose. The other direction in which Russia moves on regards the development of inbound tourism, which concerns to foreign tourists and helps the progress in various sectors of the economy. In fact in 2015 many foreign companies, with their projects, have given a boost to the local economy.
Red square in Moscow
This shows how tourism is important for the Russian society. This can also be seen in the increase of inbound tourism that Russia is having in these recent years, which is the result of a careful network of services created to elevate the artistic and monumental beauties which the country is rich of. In 2015, fifty millions of Russians travelled for tourism across the borders of the Federation and 20 millions of foreign tourists came to visit Russia. An impressive growth which is expected to increase thanks to the many dedicated proposals to strengthen and further develop the sector. All of this also in the perspective of the next FIFA World Cup which will be held in Russia in 2018, when the country will have the opportunity to prove its competitive reality that will make it one of the top destinations of the global scenery. A development model from which we all can take many cues. The excellent results obtained by the development model of domestic and inbound tourism can also serve as a stimulus to encourage the outbound tourism, because wherever there is tourism, there is economic development. In this direction a useful proposal could be to facilitate the procedure for obtaining visas for Russian travellers who want to go abroad; a process which could be accelerated by giving the opportunity to travel agencies to send the documents to the consulates of the different foreign states, saving the citizens from the burden of going personally to the consulate of interest, not always close to their residence. Otherwise, an option could be to expand the network of foreign consulates in the Country, favouring not only Russian citizens who want to travel abroad, but also inbound tourists who might need them during their stay. These are just some aspects that reflect the great potential that Russia is able to offer in tourism and commerce, and also an incentive to embrace the new trends in the development of the tourism industry. I head to the conclusion of this reportage thanking again all the promoters of this conference, thanks to whom we are visiting beautiful places. Thank you also to all the staff who, in various ways, is taking care of us in these unforgettable days. Best wishes and see you in the next congress.  Salvatore Cifalinò                                                                            

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